When it comes to Instagram marketing, the best way to grow your account is to provide high-quality, original photos. Content is king and nothing will ever change that. This post is aimed at marketers who are already posting engaging and original content.
Here's our 7 simple steps on how to get discovered on Instagram.
1. Using hashtags to their full potential.
Hashtags are the most common way to get your content to the people who want to see it.
Using the largest hashtags in your niche is not always the best option. These tags are often oversaturated with millions of posts, making it harder for you to get seen. Instead, it is more effective to post in smaller, less saturated hashtags.
Instagram has an amazing feature that lets you easily find smaller hashtags in your niche. On your mobile device, navigate to the homepage of a hashtag in your niche. Near the top of the page, you will see a list of related tags. These are tags that you can use, usually within your niche. Check each of the tags and how many posts they have. This way, you find tags where your posts are not going to be drowned out by millions of others.
2. Interacting with users interested in your niche.
It is important to interact with people who have already shown interest in your niche. You can do this by checking who has liked or commented on content similar to your own.
One method of finding these users is to check the top posts of the hashtags in your niche. You will be able to see who has commented or liked these posts. If your niche is a larger one, you should be able to check the top posts daily and find new people to interact with. Giving these users a follow will encourage them to check out your profile. Just like that, you gained an active follower.
Visiting the larger pages in your niche is another way to find users. Check their posts to see who likes the content. If your page is similar to theirs, you could interact with their followers and gain a few yourself. You can also check a users entire follower list by clicking the number in their profile, but this is not recommended. Finding users whom you know have interacted recently will provide better results, as they are more likely to interact with your content too.
3. Collaborate with other content creators.
It is important to network with other pages in your niche if you want to grow quickly. You could guest post on their page and have them tag you, and let them do the same. Alternatively, work on a project together and post it on both profiles.
Working with other creators will give your page authority in the community.
The more recognizable your name is to your target audience, the more likely they will follow you.
If you have trouble finding pages that want to collaborate, try asking pages with a similar number of followers to your own. Pages much larger than yours probably do not want to collaborate with you, as they do not have as much to gain. For the same reason, try not to collaborate with pages much smaller than your own. You want to reach as many people as possible.
4. Host competitions or giveaways.
When users have the chance to win something by following your page, they are much more likely to do so. You can host a giveaway and require the winner to follow you and like/comment on the giveaway post. This way, you grow followers while keeping a high engagement rate. Just make sure you post quality content on top of the giveaways. If your page is relying solely on interaction from giveaways/contests, your followers are not going to interact with your content when the giveaway ends.
5. Utilize the Instagram stories feature.
The Instagram home page prioritizes stories over regular posts. It is the very first thing users see when they open the app. By posting your story daily, you are greatly increasing the chances of your current followers interacting with your posts. This is important because the more people who interact with your post, the higher it will rank in the related hashtags. Being in the top posts of your hashtags is a great way to go viral. You can read our post about tips & tricks on Instagram stories here.
6. Create a posting schedule.
Most social media users will check their feeds at around the same time every day. Simply posting at the same time every day allows your followers to know when they can interact with you. Once you have a consistent schedule, it will become a habit for your followers to interact with you at the same time every day. You should start to see the same people interacting at the same time.
To find the best time to post in your niche you can check when similar pages post or simply experiment. Post at a different time each day for a week and see when you get the most interaction.
7. Connect your Instagram to other social media.
If you have any following on another social media site, you can promote your Instagram account there. This lets your viewers have another way to interact with you and your content that may be more convenient to them. It also helps you gain followers on all your social media's. Many social media make it easy to promote all of your accounts in one place. Youtube, for example, allows you to share your Instagram account on the homepage of your Youtube channel.
Hopefully, these 7 tips will help you gain some traction as you learn how to get discovered on Instagram. Regardless of how large your account gets, or what size it is now, never forget that content is king. Always. You can take advantage of any method or tip you find, but nothing will bring you quality followers and interaction like quality content will. These tips are meant to help you grow your account and shouldn’t be used to replace good content.